I Explain it all:

March 25, 2024

A natural disaster is destroying America. It’s not a physical disaster, it is a mental disaster among humans! It is so simple, yet almost no-one understands what’s happening!

Guess what?- Turns out that we have a primitive part of the brain, The oldest layer of the brain is called the reptilian brain. It is composed of the structures that dominate in the brains of snakes and lizards. And- it includes instinctive traits learned over thousands of years of generations of tribal survival, and one of those traits is to blindly follow a leader!

When you think about it, it made sense for those tribes of people often in mortal danger. Like the army, you can’t question authority during life and death emergencies. Back then everybody knew everybody, and a leader would almost always have a proven track record. It is kind of funny that today with all our technology and the size of our tribe, we do not really know our leaders and have lazily relied on our media (one of the very largest being FOX, which is a spewing volcano of lies and disinformation on behalf of the greediest billionaires,) to rate our would-be leaders……

And because of that trait- to blindly follow a leader, and the propaganda fed to the masses, we have Donald Trump and the fascist movement he has empowered, a nightmare of the essence of the most horrible kind of person/leader, and tens of millions of rabid racist cult-like followers who will destroy everything if they can’t dominate it….ok, that’s it, that’s where we are.

MOVIE TIME!—— Rule 666- Claw-back– The fascists run away…..

What’s going on in this movie?  Well, after 2 fascist Republican years of severe economic depression, homelessness, joblessness, power grid black-outs, gas lines, civil warfare, police brutality, broken supply chains and a national strike where everybody refuses to pay taxes, the shit has finished hitting the fan!  Our redneck supporters are calling for our arrest.  A motorcade is forming under the Capital to take any remaining congressman and high ranking Republicans to Dulles airport within 30 minutes.

6 Aeroflot and many other passenger jets are waiting. We have already removed and sold anything the government owned of value.

Get your escape kit bag and run to the motorcade now.

In dystopian 20??, While America is trying to recover from fascist rule, bounty hunters chase American politicians, millionaires and billionaires carrying Fendi luggage full of cash everywhere, including through jungles and Tuscany and all the islands.

This story takes place and depicts life in America after it becomes a 3rd world of rubble and dysfunction because of the racism and hatred that the rich used to divide voters so they could steal everything, got out of control and their insatiable greed destroyed their own Golden Goose.

When the fascists finally completely bankrupt and ruin the country, and are forced to leave office when their own voters turn on them, The new government passes the “Emergency Economic Reform Act” including Rule 666 that requires all Americans, and any person or entity having profited from business within the USA, to return to the treasury, 50% of their wealth over 2 million dollars, up to 10 million dollars, and 95% of any wealth above 10 million.

The fun part of the movie is where bounty hunters are chasing politicians and billionaires in all kinds of places and situations.

Major scenes involve the drama and comedy of the rich trying to hide and escape the bounty hunters; The fascists stripping and stealing everything possible including wiring and fixtures, from the White House, Capital, the Supreme Court and all the govt properties they controlled, before running away after their paychecks bounced; The release of minorities, immigrants and liberals from work camps;  The new American government- dominated by young liberals; Dark or funny scenes  about angry fascists with no money, gas, food, clean air or water, and a pick-up truck that is now grandma’s bedroom, blaming everybody else after their leaders fly away. ending in a scene with the bounty hunters partying with some of the rich fugitives in a mansion full of money and valuables they are “skimming” from the seized loot.

The End.

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A liberal Internet Homebase Just now being built for you, if you care about the earth. Coming soon-

A portal with categorized instant links to the major websites.

A news outlets aggregator with bias ratings for propaganda and misinformation

A Banned Books Library

A Real History of America, including all the corruption, racism, slavery, class privilege, wars, corruption, the takeover of the govt by the rich, and then the take-over by the ignorant totally hypocritical Christian Evangelists and other religious fanatical right-wing Republican, racists, and Trump Maggots hoping to turn the USA into a white supremist state.

A Real History of the Modern World including WWII, our destruction of the Mideast and tens of millions of their people far across the world so that we could become rich on their cheap oil, while telling ourselves how nice we are and how unfortunate it is that these people resist our control of their lands and resources causing us to have to kill so many of them. We have all been delusional to believe we are moral, or ever been moral. Our trail of horror and slavery and genocides that include a whole continent of people wiped out for their lands that we have built our prosperity on, is indisputable.

A Reality and fact center with the real history of America, including all the racism, slavery, class privilege, wars, corruption, the takeover of the govt by the rich, and then the take-over by the ignorant totally hypocritical Christian Evangelists and other religious fanatical right-wing Republican, racists, and Trump Maggots hoping to turn the USA into a white supremist state.

Delusional antiquated self-serving predatory disinformation is everywhere. It is the root cause of human misery and the demise of the planet.

Who is lying to you? Just about everybody. Did your parents sit you down and explain what a murderous history humans have? or how many millions of people are starving and have nothing because we ruined them for their oil or strategic reasons in our efforts to control the planet?

Our general news media lies 100% of the time by not reporting all the horror, for political and economic reasons.

The right wing media like FOX, who are not news as they claim but 100% propaganda and lies and disinformation), and politicians (many) are nothing but lying machines, owned by the richest billionaires who want you to believe that you are not pathetic slaves who will have to live under a bridge or in jail if you lose your job or health.

We are on the brink of losing our fake democracy at this time because the billionaires’ racist wedge they have been using to divide and conquer American voters has gotten out of control and morphed into an uncontrollable hateful cult that is too sealed off from reality to understand they are not going to save America, they are destroying America, and the billionaire’s golden goose!

Even though it is really a Plutocracy run by the rich, they tell us it is a democracy and allow a good bit of traditional freedoms and a little bit of democracy to make us believe, and even though it isn’t really a democracy, it is heaven compared to what is going to happen if the right wing takes over.

The Trump Republican Traitor Fake Christian Fascists are dumber than cum. They can’t know it because they are in a cult. I wondered for years about how the German people in the 1930’s went from being the most advanced and high-tech nation in the world, by a mile, into destroying millions of people including themselves! Even when the war was lost for sure, they followed orders and continued sending tens of thousands of their men and boys to a senseless death, why did the German people follow Adolf Hitler to their death on his campaign of hate and grievances against “other” people and other nations, instead of a leader who may have been more sensible? They blindly followed their leader!

Sooooo,,,, in this website we intend to try and spread the faith and slow down our demise by the deranged traitors.

How and why humans are destroying themselves and the planet:

A- General- note ignorance selfishness and corruption are not listed but are major factors and causes of malignant behavior.

1- Religions
2- Fascism
3- Uncontrolled Capitalism
4- Racism/Nationalsim/Weisms

B- Specific historically and currently-

1- Nazi Party with tens of millions of their neighbors bombed, shot, mortared, stabbed, burned- 1930’s- 1945. Combination of fascism, Nationalism, Racism.

2- All the innumerable murderous religious genocides and horrors, for example- the Catholic Church’s Dark Ages of ignorance and torture throughout Europe resulting in tens of millions of dead and tortured, world-wide genocides, many decades of ignorance and poverty and plague. And the genocide of the “New” world. (just look at Israel & Gaza). Religion

3- All the millions killed and millions living in abject poverty in the Mideast because America wanted to become rich using the Mideast oil, this includes the ongoing war between our traitor bulldog-puppet Israel and everybody else. This is a combination of Religions, Capitalism, and nationalism, and Racism.

4- The Trump Republican Party of today which is controlled by the greediest cruelest of the billionaire ruling class who don’t want to pay taxes, and supported by tens of millions of cult-like followers who have been brainwashed by Billionaire owned FOX “news” into thinking America and democracy need to be destroyed and replaced by a Christian white supremist State similar to Russia, where only the leadership and favored few have everything and the masses are helpless peasants. This is a combo of Capitalism, Religion, Racism, and confused Nationalism, and Ignorance.

5- All the various incredible, world scale horror inflicted upon weaker people, one example would be England between 1500 and 1900- that’s 400 years of pillaging and killing and imprisoning and enslaving and stealing and genocide world-wide of which the capture and enslavement of the whole gigantic country of India, was just a tiny part. Capitalism.

Chapter 1 of our new book-

“Kids!- Read this book before it becomes a felony to do so.

Rednecks!- Tie this book behind your tractor and drag it to your neighborhood book burning pile.

In the beginning there were a bunch of ignorant cave men and their women, children, slaves, and animals.

The men, tired of constantly beating these people, invented Man-religion.

They told everyone that even when they weren’t looking, one of their “Gods” (think of all the videos we are in on every street and in every store!), was watching 24/7 and then snitching on them….that cut down on problems a lot right there.

And so Man-religion has grown and evolved right up to about 1,000 years ago when it became a rigid obsolete myth that is “groomed” and indoctrinated into small children so they are afraid to leave the cult because “God” will punish them and then drive them into Hell where they will burn eternally! Yikes.

OK! Next up- The meaning of life…..

The only, maybe difference between you and mold, is your imagination. Otherwise, you are part of an invasive mutant species that is ever more rapidly destroying their own planet.

Now, that’s nothing new, life on earth comes and goes.

So, what’s to do?

In the USA 20??, It all depends on how fast the fascists flame out. Meanwhile we may have to endure a lot of ignorant horror.

The big problem is and will be the inflation that has already enslaved most blue-collar workers into a life that is 2 paychecks from homeless, which is where the unemployed will be/are.

Our genius leaders by not taxing the rich, have made it impossible to create affordable housing (communism) The new Republican Jesus hates the poor and loooves the rich.

What’s going to happen when so many people are desperate? Homeless, No vehicle, No money or income?

Why isn’t anything being done?

Simple answer- The 1% that are ultra rich and control a lot of the govt don’t want to pay any taxes.

The Republican fascist racist party hates a lot of the types of poor people that would be helped.

The church, also in love with 1% money and power has historically sided with the rich to make people poor and even slaves because then the hypocritical church can offer them a pre-paid luxury high-rise penthouse in a fabulous all-inclusive resort called Heaven, totally free when they leave their miserable slave life, and until then they can make the church popular and powerful and the rich richer.

And so, the greedy geniuses conspire to create a hell on earth that will be a major part of their own downfall…….

What a world, huh! Duh!

Well that’s about it, this will be my shortest book to date.

Maybe I should change the title to “Duh End”

The Good God Church (for people that believe in a God)

God is supernaturally good and kind and smart.

God does not control everything that happens.

Most other religions believe that God is directing everything that happens and has designed our world.

That would be criminally insane.

No God would design a beautiful world full of precious animals, and then invent all kinds of starving vicious predators to tear them to pieces and eat them alive.

No God would invent humans that are so flawed and inherently corrupted that they spend all their energy killing each other or at least oppressing a few million hapless war refugees into near starvation when not actually bombing them.

The bibles, and Korans, and other instructions from all the different Gods, are actually human propaganda written by old men who believe certain privileged men should enslave everybody else by fear of a vicious God.

We recommend a church with the same general principles of the one described by the Dali Lama- “The world is our church, and love is our religion”.

Stop American Neofascists

Reality in a nutshell

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